Latin Verbs - Active vs. Passive Voice

Summary: Gain a very high-level overview of the difference between the Active and Passive Voice. This video is intended for those beginning their Latin Studies.

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Transcript: Hello! Today I'm gonna discuss the difference between the active and the passive voice when it comes to Latin verbs. For those who have studied Latin before here's a quick reference all the forms are in the indicative mood present tense first person singular number. We are just looking at the difference between active and passive voice translations into the English language. The form for your active verb is voco and it translates to simply I call. There's no question you are calling. You may be calling somebody else or something - it is not specified here. Your passive form would be vocor and it has a longer translation. There are more English verbs required and there are multiple translations which are correct. You could either have I am called or I am being called. The square brackets denote the fact that the being is not required in this English translation but it makes it a progressive translation. As you can tell the passive version indicates that you are being called something -  that you are receiving the action. Often in English as a more colloquial translation you'll hear [for example] my name is although that would require an extra noun on that verb - this just means I am being called another name. Again if you want to have any other meaning be attached to this you would need a noun or other verbs to help complete the meaning. That's the difference between active and passive voice. Thank you for listening!

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