Scratch 101: Checking for Palindromes

Hello and welcome to Scratch 101! In this tutorial we will be creating a program which checks for palindromes. A palindrome is any word/concept which reads the same in the forward direction as in the backwards direction. For example the word "racecar" is a palindrome because reading it from the right of the left gives you the same word. For a longer list of examples, please see this page.

To learn what the "ceiling" function is.

End Result:
Write the word "racecar" in the program. It should return this result:

Graphical Setup:
The graphical template is located here:
This goes into the Cow Sprite.

Common Mistakes:

  • Make sure that you type in the correct numbers!

  • Make sure that you have set all of your variables set correctly and applied properly!

The completed version can be found here:

Scratch 101: X and Y Axis Drawer Synthesis Challenge

Hello and welcome to Scratch 101!

Understanding the x and y axis & motion.

Finished Product:


This is a synthesis challenge, which means that you will not be receiving the completed code. But, you still have the graphical template. which already contains all the blocks which you will need to complete this project. Use the blocks provided to create a project which functions as a drawer in the x and y axis.

The different move blocks are for different axis. Figure out what the length of the axis are.

Common Mistakes:
Make sure that you type in the correct numbers!

Create a sequence of steps which need to be completed and use that to create the final project. Test your application periodically by pressing the green flag.

Allow the user to input different points and create lines between the different points.

The completed version can be found here: