4 Channels of Drone Flight

One of the most essential parts to flying a drone requires you to know what channel you are operating on. Each channel adds an extra bubble of complexity and an extra flight direction. Here's a review of the main flight channels. Each channel builds on the previous in terms of mobility.  

1st Channel:
The first channel flight controls only allow movement up and down in the air. This is mostly for very young children who are beginners, and is not common. The Remotes usually only have one throttle, as only one throttle is necessary. 
First Channel Drone Remote Example
2nd Channel:
As well as having up and down movement, this channel allows you to rotate your drone in the air. This flight channel is mostly used for R/C Helicopters. 
Second Channel Remote Example
3rd Channel:
This Channel is more common than the last two, as it adds the capability to go forwards and backwards. This is used in more advanced R/C Helicopters, and some more basic drones. 
Third Channel Remote Example
4th Channel:
This is the last channel that we will speak of specifically. Once you have the 4th flight channel it means that you have all the flight motions in the air. You can go up and down, rotate, go forwards and backwards, and now you can bank left and right. This channel is usually found on Quadcopters. 
Fourth Channel Remote Example
4th Channel+:
Anything past the 4th Channel is usually adding features and accessories like Landing Gear. The most common on advanced Quadcopters and Drones is the 6th Channel. 

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